Tag Archives: motorcycle law

Running the Red Light in Nebraska to Become Legal?

Autoevolution reported last week that a truly controversial law was proposed by Nebraska state Senator Paul Schumacher. The law states that motorcycle riders are to be allowed to run the red light after waiting two or more minutes and in case no other vehicle is around.

This law project claim that in the case of traffic light coordinated by sensors, most of the two-wheeled vehicles fail to trigger these sensors the way cars or trucks do. Riders are forced to wait 5 minutes or more for nothing. Motorcyclists sometimes have to wait in inclement weather (rain, cold, wind) and this bill would really help easing their riding.

Similar exceptional traffic regulations are to be encountered in Missouri, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Idaho, Arkansas, Tennessee and Minnesota, but the opinions are strong on both the supporters’ and the opponents’ sides.

To read the original article, click here.