Tag Archives: cheap motorcycle helmet

3 Things to Consider When Buying a Motorcycle Helmet

How to Buy a Motorcycle Helmet?

In order to be safe while riding a motorcycle, you need to wear the right kind of motorcycle helmet. If you don’t know exactly what to look for, then buying a helmet can be a real challenge. The right kind of motorcycle helmet can make a big difference if and when you are involved in a road accident. Many people suffer major head injuries while some lose their lives because they aren’t wearing a helmet. If you don’t want to suffer the same fate, follow the tips on how to buy a motorcycle helmet.

Listed below are three simple things to consider when buying a motorcycle helmet:


As mentioned earlier, a motorcycle helmet is one of the most essential pieces of safety gear to wear when out riding. Because of this, you need to spend enough time in looking for a helmet that can provide the right amount of protection. Make sure to buy a helmet that is approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or has been Snell rated. This kind of helmet is best for riders who love to join motorcycle races or off-road and adventure riding.

Additionally, you want to select a full-face helmet vs. 1/2 helmet.  There are certainly camps on both sides of the argument for full-face or not.  Consider the infamous quote seen in at least one gear shop: “Buy a 1/2 helmet and get a free spool of jaw wire.”


One thing you need to consider when buying a motorcycle helmet is your budget. How much money do you want to spend for a motorcycle helmet? The kind and the cost of the helmet you’re going to buy usually depend upon the kind of riding you’re into. If you want to buy a motorcycle helmet for off-road riding then you can stick to a DOT approved helmet which could be affordable but still very effective for safety. If you want to buy a helmet for motocross then you need to buy a thicker helmet like the Snell rated MX helmet. This kind of helmet is best for motocross riders. No matter what kind of riding you plan to do, just don’t hesitate to spend money to be safer.

Another tried and true adage in the world of cycling is: “If your head is worth $10.00 then buy a $10.00 helmet.”


Though money and safety play an important part in buying a motorcycle helmet, one that does not fit perfectly won’t be a big help.  Do not buy a helmet that is too tight that it’s a struggle to put it on or too sloppy that strong wind can whip it off your head. The best motorcycle helmet is one that is snug and fits perfectly.

These are three things you need to consider most when buying a motorcycle helmet. You can find a helmet that looks cool, fashionable and trendy but safety is your number one consideration. Remember that your head/brain is your most important tool therefore you have to protect it all the time.